§1 Name, Registered Office and Fiscal Year
The name of the Association shall be “International Bankers Forum e.V.”.
The registered office of the Association is Frankfurt am Main. The business year is the calendar year.
§2 Purpose and scope of activities
The purpose of the association is the international promotion of the
The purpose of the Association is the international promotion of the exchange of ideas in banking, economic and social areas, in particular among members of the management of international banks.
The Association pursues this purpose by:
1. establishing centers for the initiation, maintenance and promotion of international meetings.
2. holding public lectures and other events conducive to the aims of the Association.
3. issuing publications and informing the general public about new developments in the banking sector.
§3 Funds of the Association
The funds available to the Association, including any surpluses, may only be used for the purposes set out in the Articles of Association. However, the Association may allocate some or all of its funds to reserves in order to use them later for statutory purposes.
§4 Membership
Natural persons, societies and corporations interested in promoting the purposes of the Association may become members of the Association.
Individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the Association or the goals it pursues may be appointed honorary members by the General Assembly upon proposal of the Board. These members enjoy all the rights of ordinary members, but do not pay dues.
§5 Admission of members
The admission of ordinary and extraordinary members shall be made by the Board on the basis of a written application. For the admission of a candidate, a two-thirds majority of the board members present at the board meeting is required.
Applications for admission are to be forwarded to the admission committee by the decision of the board. The latter examines the applications and forwards them to the board with its opinion.
§6 Termination of membership
Membership shall be terminated by written notice of resignation, by death or by expulsion. Resignation is only possible at the end of the fiscal year. The declaration of resignation must be sent by registered mail to the Executive Board no later than June 30 of the fiscal year in which the resignation is to take effect.
The exclusion of a member shall be effected by the Board of Directors, if the Board of Directors, after due assessment of the circumstances, deems the further membership of the member concerned to be unacceptable for valid reasons, in particular for reasons of dishonor. A reason for exclusion is always given if a member does not fulfill his duties towards the association despite three requests. No reasons for the exclusion can be demanded from the excluded members, but the excluded member can appeal within 14 days after receipt of the decision, which will be presented to the next general meeting for decision.
§7 Contributions
Contributions and apportionments are decided by the general meeting and set out in a contribution regulation.
§8 Organs
The organs of the association are:
1. the board of directors,
2. the general meeting
3. the Board of Trustees
4. the Presidium
§9 Board of Directors
The board of the association consists of at least 6 and at most 12 members. A maximum of 2 members from one banking institution may be represented on the board.
The Board is elected by the General Meeting for a period of three years. It elects officers from among its members. The officers are the President, the Vice President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer. Re-election is permitted. The powers of the Board once elected shall continue until a new Board is elected by the membership. The President and the Vice-President represent the Association judicially and extra-judicially. They are the executive board in the sense of § 26 BGB. Board meetings are convened and chaired by the President.
With the termination of membership in the association, the office of the board member also ends.
If a member of the Executive Board resigns prematurely due to resignation, withdrawal or being voted out of office, the Executive Board may appoint a successor for the remaining term of office of the resigning member.
§10 Responsibility of the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall manage the Association within the framework of the Articles of Association. In particular, it has the following tasks:
1. preparation and convening of the general meeting and drawing up the agenda,
2. preparation of the annual report,
3. preparation of a budget and appointment of an auditor,
4. execution of resolutions of the general meeting,
5. passing resolutions on the admission and exclusion of members.
The board decides with the majority of the present board members. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.
§11 General Meeting
Ordinary and extraordinary general meetings are convened by the president. Ordinary General Meetings shall be convened by written invitation sent by mail or electronically, stating the place, time and agenda, and must be convened at least 14 days before the date set.
Requests for additions to the agenda must be received by the Executive Board at least ten days before the meeting; they must be included in the agenda as an addendum. Initiative motions to the agenda can be introduced in the general meeting if the majority is in favor of it.
The General Assembly has the following tasks:
1. acceptance of the annual report and the auditor’s report,
2. discharge of the board,
3. passing of resolutions on the membership fees,
4. election of the board of directors,
5. election of the auditor,
6. amendments to the statutes,
7. appointment of honorary members.
The ordinary general meeting shall be held annually in the first six months of the business year.
An extraordinary general meeting is to be convened if the interest of the association requires it or if 10% of the members request this in writing, stating the matter to be discussed.
§12 Resolutions of the General Assembly
The general meeting shall be chaired by the president, or if he is prevented, by the vice-president, or if both are prevented, by another chairman appointed by the board.
The General Assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of members present.
Each full member is entitled to vote and has one vote. Decisions are made by simple majority.
Proposals to amend the statutes must be sent to the members in the wording with the invitation. Amendments to the statutes can only be decided by a three-quarters majority of the voting members present. Written votes are possible if no objection is raised, which must be submitted in writing.
Minutes of each General Assembly shall be taken and signed by the President and a secretary elected by the Board.
§ 13 Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, Presidium, Committees
The Executive Board may appoint a Board of Trustees, a Scientific Advisory Board, a Presidium and other committees to provide support.
The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least ten and at most thirty members. These are appointed by the Executive Board. Appointments are made for three years at a time.
Reappointment is permissible. The Board of Trustees elects a chairman from among its members. It shall be regularly informed by the Board of Directors about the activities of the Association and the professional work. The Board of Trustees supports the Executive Board in its public relations work and may suggest strategies, measures and banking or social events to promote the purpose of the Association. The members of the Executive Board are entitled to attend meetings of the Board of Trustees.
The members of the Advisory Board are proven representatives of scientific disciplines with relevance to the financial services sector, preferably from the fields of economics, law and technology. The Scientific Advisory Board submits the results of its work to the Executive Board and the Board of Trustees for further consultation.
The Executive Committee consists of at least three and at most six members. It is composed of equal numbers of members of the Executive Board, the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Board. It discusses strategies, measures and draft resolutions of the Board of Management. The members shall be appointed by the respective bodies; the Executive Committee shall elect a chairperson from among its members.
§ 14 Management
The Association may set up offices and appoint managing directors to manage day-to-day business. Managing directors may be members of the Executive Board. The appointment shall be made by the President. A managing director may, in agreement with the president, employ other employees within the framework of a budget.
§ 15 Dissolution
The dissolution of the Association can only be decided by the General Assembly. It requires the approval of three quarters of the voting members present. In the event of dissolution, the assets shall be transferred to the German Committee for UNICEF Germany for charitable purposes.
Frankfurt, June 1, 2017
The Board of Directors