20th European SSM Round Table


20th European SSM Round Table

The European SSM Round Table has been established as a high-profile Round Table to exchange views and feedback between decision takers from the banks involved and representatives of the ECB, SSM, EBA, SRB, ESM and other European entities.

This time, top level experts from European entities and banks will discuss current issues on »10 Years SSM: Structural Challenges all Around – What Lies Ahead for Banks and Supervisors?« and present their views within the framework of the 20th European SSM Round Table.

Selected speakers will give a deeper insight into their subjects and discuss the following topics:


Session I – Welcome & Opening



Dr. Nader Maleki

President, International Bankers Forum, Frankfurt am Main

Session II – IT Supervision in the Financial Sector: What Does DORA Mean in Practice?
Marc Andries

Director for DORA joint oversight, European Banking Authoriy (EBA), Paris

Marc Andries

Director for DORA joint oversight, European Banking Authoriy (EBA), Paris

Stefan Unteregger

Counselor, Section on-site examination of significant European institutions, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna

Bjarne Schnack

Section On-site Inspections/Internal Risk Models (IT and Outsourcing), Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main

Prof. Dr. Andreas Igl

Professor of Data Analysis & Audit Support Deggendorf Institute of Technology Lecturer at the Bundesbank University, Deggendorf

Session III – Digital Innovation: How is Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Transforming Banking?
Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba

Head of Customer Engineering, Financial Services Industries, Google Cloud Germany, Vienna

Dr. Maciej Piechocki

Chief Revenue Officer, Regnology, Frankfurt am Main


Lunch Break

Session IV – Good Governance and Risk Culture: How to keep banks Safe and Sound?
Dr. Andreas Przewloka

Executive Vice President and CEO State Street Bank International GmbH, Munich

Bernhard Freudenthaler

Banking Regulation and Supervision, Austrian Bankers‘ Association, Vienna

Lothar Jerzembek

Head of Regulatory Affairs, International Bankers Forum, Frankfurt am Main

Dr. Eduard Müller

Executive Director, Financial Market Authority Austria (FMA), Vienna

Session V – Global Challenges Facing the Financial System: How to Finance EU’s Growth Model and Sustainability Policies
Dr. Othmar Karas

Former First Vice-President, European Parliament, Brussels

Dr. Carsten Lehr

Head of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance, International Bankers Forum, Frankfurt am Main

Unter den Sprechern

Frank Zachmann

Marc Andries

Director for DORA joint oversight, European Banking Authoriy (EBA), Paris
Frank Zachmann

Bernhard Freudenthaler

Banking Regulation and Supervision, Austrian Bankers‘ Association, Vienna
Frank Zachmann

Prof. Dr. Andreas Igl

Professor of Data Analysis & Audit Support Deggendorf Institute of Technology Lecturer at the Bundesbank University, Deggendorf
Frank Zachmann

Lothar Jerzembek

Head of Regulatory Affairs, International Bankers Forum, Frankfurt am Main
Frank Zachmann

Alexey Kapustin

CEO, Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG, Vienna
Frank Zachmann

Dr. Othmar Karas

Former First Vice-President, European Parliament, Brussels
Frank Zachmann

Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba

Head of Customer Engineering, Financial Services Industries, Google Cloud Germany, Vienna
Frank Zachmann

Guenther Kraehan

Head of Enterprise Architecture Management, Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Vienna
Frank Zachmann

Dr. Carsten Lehr

Head of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance, International Bankers Forum, Frankfurt am Main
Frank Zachmann

Dr. Nader Maleki

President, International Bankers Forum, Frankfurt am Main
Frank Zachmann

Dr. Eduard Müller

Executive Director, Financial Market Authority Austria (FMA), Vienna
Frank Zachmann

Dr. Maciej Piechocki

Chief Revenue Officer, Regnology, Frankfurt am Main
Frank Zachmann

Dr. Andreas Przewloka

Executive Vice President and CEO State Street Bank International GmbH, Munich
Frank Zachmann

Bjarne Schnack

Section On-site Inspections/Internal Risk Models (IT and Outsourcing), Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main
Frank Zachmann

Dr. Karin Turner-Hrdlicka

Director, Department for the Supervision of Significant Institutions, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna
Frank Zachmann

Stefan Unteregger

Counselor, Section on-site examination of significant European institutions, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna
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International Bankers Forum
Hosted by

International Bankers Forum

Dr. Nader Maleki

Präsident International Bankers Forum e.V.
Frankfurt am Main

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